Austin Chess Tour: Open Qualifier #4

In-Person USCF Rated Tournament 


November 30, 2024

12466 Los Indios Trail, Ste.100

Austin, TX 78729

* USCF Membership Required *


Free Parking Provided 


Capacity: 80 players


Broadcast Link



Pairings Round 4:

SECTION A: 1800+

Bd Res White Res Black
1     Rohit Gundam (2259 3.0)     Evan Bates (1928 2.5)
2     Yangyang Shen (1908 2.5)     Emerson Aurelius Johnson (1900 2.0)
3     Eric Alexander Dumitru (1756 2.0)     Nathan Brown (1782 2.0)
4     Chase Rugby Lonie (1929 1.5)     Justin Trey (2009 1.5)
5     Julian Joseph (1948 1.0)     Richmond Holdren (1923 1.0)
6     Shahin Cazares Masoumi (1711 0.5)     Eric Zolidis (1643 1.0)
  Vishnu Subramony (1706 0.5)   BYE
  ½  Shams Pirani (1835 0.0)   BYE




Bd Res White Res Black
8     Massa Jin (1591 3.0)     Vyas, Iv Omshankar (1594 3.0)
9     Nived Ratheesh (1606 2.0)     John Ramey (1498 2.0)
10     Ilan Shvets (1413 2.0)     Alexander Ramey (1568 2.0)
11     Nikolai Mezokh (1327 1.5)     Ahir Bhattacharjee (1462 1.5)
12     Guna Ar Sanepalli (1441 1.5)     Rishi Attaluri (1293 1.5)
13     Advaith Jijesh (1387 1.5)     Srihaas K Desu (1356 1.5)
14     Yiheng Ethan Chen (1329 1.0)     Ramanathan Palaniappan (1480 1.0)
15     Sharathchandra Sabbani (1303 1.0)     Surya Bejawada (1345 1.0)
16     Dallin Bates (1332 1.0)     Eric Vance (1278 1.0)
  George Ananth Soosai (1496 0.5)   BYE
  Jonathan Tuck (1720 0.5)   BYE



Bd Res White Res Black
18     Jay Choi (1155 3.0)     Anish Arun (1246 2.5)
19     Asher Joseph (1229 2.0)     Samvik Indrakanti (1032 2.5)
20     Pranav Kandi (1088 2.0)     Vividh, Mr Balasubramanian (1113 2.0)
21     John-Paul Verow (1176 1.0)     Grace Peng (1157 1.5)
22     Eshaann Madhan (1118 1.0)     Dylan Odette ( 976 1.0)
23     Rutvik Papisetti (1027 1.0)     Alice Sun ( 899 1.0)
24     Venkata Naga Prabhat Mandala (unr. 0.0)     Vaibhav Sachdev (1210 0.5)




Bd Res White Res Black
25     Karthik Kammari ( 518 3.0)     Yixin Wang ( 790 2.5)
26     Scott Hastings ( 708 2.5)     Akarsh Paida ( 571 2.0)
27     Shourya Kodali ( 746 2.0)     Winston Shetty ( 456 2.0)
28     Zayn Shanmuganathan ( 658 2.0)     Yeonwoo Hwang ( 410 2.0)
29     Daniel Zhang Xiao ( 757 1.0)     Jasper Shang ( 326 2.0)
30     Skyler Matson (unr. 1.0)     Amelie Stoffels ( 745 1.0)
31     Ayden Zong ( 486 1.0)     Akhil Gopu ( 680 1.0)
32     Shourjo Chatterjee ( 434 0.5)     Aiden Jiao ( 330 1.0)
  Emil Arham Khan ( 482 0.0)   BYE




SECTION A: 1800+

# Place Name ID Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Total T-Med T-Solkoff T-Cumul. T-Op. cumul.
1 1 Rohit Gundam 14908373 2259 W4 W9 W5  3.0 4 5 6 11
2 2-3 Yangyang Shen 17080503 1908 W11 D7 W8  2.5 3 4 5 9
3   Evan Bates 30745116 1928 W12 D8 W7  2.5 3 3.5 5 8.5
4 4-6 Emerson Aurelius Johnson 30729099 1900 L1 W13 W10  2.0 4 4.5 3 8.5
5   Nathan Brown 15518872 1782 W10 W14 L1  2.0 4 4 5 8
6   Eric Alexander Dumitru 17164035 1756 L7 W11 W9  2.0 2.5 3.5 3 8
7 7-8 Chase Rugby Lonie 16392562 1929 W6 D2 L3  1.5 2.5 7 4 13
8   Justin Trey 15592064 2009 W14 D3 L2  1.5 2.5 5 4 10
9 9-11 Richmond Holdren 13972232 1923 W13 L1 L6  1.0 2.5 5.5 3 9.5
10   Julian Joseph 16783177 1948 L5 W12 L4  1.0 2.5 4.5 2 8.5
11   Eric Zolidis 31316562 1643 L2 L6 W14  1.0 2 4.5 1 8
12 12-13 Shahin Cazares Masoumi 16669663 1711 L3 L10 D13  0.5 1.5 4 0.5 7.5
13   Vishnu Subramony 30291348 1706 L9 L4 D12  0.5 1.5 3.5 0.5 6.5
14 14 Shams Pirani 15919861 1835 L8 L5 L11  0.0 2.5 4.5 0 10



# Place Name ID Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Total T-Med T-Solkoff T-Cumul. T-Op. cumul.
1 1-2 Vyas, Iv Omshankar 30543508 1594 W9 W4 W5  3.0 4 5.5 6 11.5
2   Massa Jin 16948104 1591 W14 W7 W3  3.0 3.5 4.5 6 10
3 3-6 Alexander Ramey 30280135 1568 W16 W10 L2  2.0 4.5 5.5 5 11
4   Ilan Shvets 31345345 1413 W20 L1 W13  2.0 4 5 4 10
5   John Ramey 30387710 1498 W18 W13 L1  2.0 4 4.5 5 9
6   Nived Ratheesh 30687838 1606 D8 W15 D7  2.0 3 4 4 8.5
7 7-12 Ahir Bhattacharjee 31246619 1462 W12 L2 D6  1.5 2 6.5 3.5 12.5
8   Advaith Jijesh 30646434 1387 D6 D11 D10  1.5 1.5 5 3 10.5
9   Srihaas K Desu 30037713 1356 L1 W18 D11  1.5 1.5 5 2.5 9
10   Nikolai Mezokh 16252415 1327 W19 L3 D8  1.5 1.5 4 3.5 8.5
11   Guna Ar Sanepalli 30790886 1441 D15 D8 D9  1.5 1.5 4 3 7.5
12   Rishi Attaluri 30041126 1293 L7 W19 D17  1.5 1 3 2.5 5.5
13 13-18 Sharathchandra Sabbani 30139849 1303 W17 L5 L4  1.0 3 5 3 10.5
14   Surya Bejawada 17310034 1345 L2 D17 D16  1.0 2 5 1.5 9
15   Eric Vance 31905773 1278 D11 L6 D19  1.0 2 4 2 7.5
16   Dallin Bates 30745147 1332 L3 D20 D14  1.0 2 4 1.5 7.5
17   Ramanathan Palaniappan 30316256 1480 L13 D14 D12  1.0 2 3.5 1.5 7
18   Yiheng Ethan Chen 30441678 1329 L5 L9 B---  1.0 1.5 3.5 0 7.5
19 19-20 George Ananth Soosai 31121048 1496 L10 L12 D15  0.5 2.5 4 0.5 8
20   Jonathan Tuck 12938636 1720 L4 D16  ---  0.5 1 3 1 5.5



# Place Name ID Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total T-Med T-Solkoff T-Cumul. T-Op. cumul.
1 1 Jay Choi 31876704 1155 W7 W12 W4 D2  3.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 23
2 2-3 Anish Arun 31187934 1246 D5 W8 W10 D1  3.0 8 9.5 7.5 24
3   Samvik Indrakanti 16771001 1032 W11 D10 W13 D4  3.0 5.5 6.5 8 19.5
4 4-6 Asher Joseph 30561022 1229 W6 W13 L1 D3  2.5 9 10 7.5 27
5   Vividh, Mr Balasubramanian 16790958 1113 D2 D11 W12 D6  2.5 7 8 6 19.5
6   Pranav Kandi 31493287 1088 L4 W14 W7 D5  2.5 7 7 5.5 17.5
7 7-9 Alice Sun 30540358  899 L1 W9 L6 W12  2.0 4.5 9 4 22
8   John-Paul Verow 15208097 1176 L12 L2 W11 W10  2.0 3 7 3 19.5
9   Dylan Odette 31400867  976 L10 L7 W14 W13  2.0 2.5 4.5 3 13.5
10 10-11 Grace Peng 30665735 1157 W9 D3 L2 L8  1.5 7 10 5.5 21.5
11   Vaibhav Sachdev 30192493 1210 L3 D5 L8 W14  1.5 4.5 7.5 2.5 17
12 12-13 Rutvik Papisetti 30383392 1027 W8 L1 L5 L7  1.0 6.5 10 4 22.5
13   Eshaann Madhan 31155145 1118 W14 L4 L3 L9  1.0 4.5 7.5 4 18.5
14 14 Venkata Naga Prabhat Mandala 32124017 unr. L13 L6 L9 L11  0.0 4.5 7 0 15



# Place Name ID Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total T-Med T-Solkoff T-Cumul. T-Op. cumul.
1 1 Yixin Wang 31926688  790 H--- W13 W2 W3  3.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 20
2 2-5 Winston Shetty 32019028  456 W15 W4 L1 W9  3.0 8.5 9.5 8 23.5
3   Karthik Kammari 31494364  518 W7 W9 W8 L1  3.0 7.5 9.5 9 24.5
4   Akarsh Paida 31911398  571 W10 L2 W7 W6  3.0 7.5 9 7 23
5   Yeonwoo Hwang 31831360  410 W11 L6 W15 W8  3.0 6.5 7.5 7 20
6 6 Scott Hastings 31596398  708 D13 W5 W12 L4  2.5 8 9.5 7 21
7 7-12 Skyler Matson 32072869 unr. L3 W11 L4 W15  2.0 5 9 4 22
8   Zayn Shanmuganathan 31968176  658 W16 W14 L3 L5  2.0 4 7.5 7 21
9   Shourya Kodali 30404637  746 W17 L3 W14 L2  2.0 4 7.5 6 21
10   Jasper Shang 31964303  326 L4 B--- W13 L12  2.0 3.5 6.5 4 14
11   Akhil Gopu 32029095  680 L5 L7 W17 W14  2.0 3 6.5 3 15
12   Daniel Zhang Xiao 30914009  757 L14 W17 L6 W10  2.0 2.5 5.5 4 15
13 13 Shourjo Chatterjee 31902347  434 D6 L1 L10 W16  1.5 4.5 8 3 19.5
14 14-16 Ayden Zong 17054878  486 W12 L8 L9 L11  1.0 6 8 4 20
15   Amelie Stoffels 30424129  745 L2 W16 L5 L7  1.0 5.5 8.5 3 20
16   Aiden Jiao 31964279  330 L8 L15 B--- L13  1.0 2.5 4.5 1 13
17 17 Emil Arham Khan 32056100  482 L9 L12 L11 U---  0.0 4 6 0 13




All players will be divided into 4 sections: 

SECTION A: 1800+  Open USCF rated 

SECTION B: U1800 Open USCF rated

SECTION C: U1400 Open USCF rated

SECTION D: U1000 Open USCF rated

**Players between 1700 and 1799 can play Section A or B** 

**Players between 1300 and 1399 can play Section B or C** 

**Players between 900 and 999 can play Section C or D** 



Early Bird: $50 by November 24, 2024 by 11:59pm 

$60 on or after November 25, 2024



Section A: $400, $200, $100

Section B: $200, $100, $50

Section C: $100, $75, $50

Section D: Chess books

Medals will be awarded to top 3 finishers in all sections


Open Qualifier Points: 

Top 10 places in Section A will earn points according to the following table:

1st Place: 25 OQ Points

2nd Place: 18 OQ Points

3rd Place: 15 OQ Points

4th Place: 12 OQ Points

5th Place: 10 OQ Points

6th Place: 8 OQ Points

7th Place: 6 OQ Points

8th Place: 4 OQ Points

9th Place: 2 OQ Points

10th Place: 1 OQ Points


For more information about the point system, visit



Section A: G/60, d5 (60 minutes per player with a 5-second delay)

Section B: G/60, d5 (60 minutes per player with a 5-second delay)

Section C: G/45, d5 (45 minutes per player with a 5-second delay)

Section D: G/45, d5 (45 minutes per player with a 5-second delay)


4-Round Swiss System Schedule


1st round: 10:00 AM

2nd round: 12:15 PM

Lunch Break: 2:30 PM

3rd round: 3:30 PM

4th round: 5:45 PM


1st round: 10:00 AM

2nd round: 11:45 AM

Lunch Break: 1:30 PM

3rd round: 2:30 PM

4th round: 4:15 PM

Closing ceremony for each section will take place after the final round of that section.

NOTE: Half-point byes are acceptable for all rounds, limit 1. Must commit before the 1st round.

PLAYERS MAY NOT POSSESS CELL PHONES DURING THE TOURNAMENT.  Please leave your phone at home, in your car, or turned off (vibrate/silent not acceptable) on top of your table. 

Any violators may be subject to disqualification and forfeiture. 


CANCELLATION POLICY: If you do not wish to participate in our tournament after paying the entry fee, please email us at no later than 24 hours in advance. We reserve the right to charge a $15 service fee for cancellations. NO refunds will be issued if we are notified of cancellation within 24 hours of the start of the event. 

WITHDRAWAL POLICY: If you would like to withdraw from the tournament after it begins, please alert the tournament director. NO refunds will be issued after the tournament begins. 

NO-SHOW POLICY: There are NO refunds or credit for players who do not show up for their scheduled tournament matches.


For additional questions, please contact us at

Section A: 1600+

# First Last USCF ID USCF Rating
1 Alexander Ramey 30280135 1671

Section A: Open 1800+

# First Last USCF ID USCF Rating
1 Rohit Gundam 14908373 2259
2 Evan Bates 30745116 2002
3 Julian Joseph 16783177 1970
4 Justin Trey 15592064 1958
5 Chase Lonie 16392562 1929
6 Richmond Holdren 13972232 1923
7 Yangyang Shen 17080503 1914
8 Emerson Aurelius Johnson 30729099 1909
9 Shams Pirani 15919861 1835
10 Eric Dumitru 17164035 1788
11 Nathan Brown 15518872 1782
12 Vishnu Subramony 30291348 1779
13 Eric Zolidis 31316562 1720

Section B: Open U1800

# First Last USCF ID USCF Rating
1 Jonathan Tuck 12938636 1720
2 Nived Ratheesh 30687838 1606
3 Massa Jin 16948104 1570
4 Ilan Shvets 31345345 1531
5 John Ramey 30387710 1529
6 Vyas Omshankar 30543508 1500
7 George Ananth Soosai 31121048 1498
8 Ahir Bhattacharjee 31246619 1462
9 Dallin Bates 30745147 1446
10 Advaith Jijesh 30646434 1420
11 Guna Sanepalli 30790886 1384
12 Surya Bejawada 17310034 1362
13 Srihaas Desu 30037713 1356
14 Yiheng Chen 30441678 1329
15 Sharathchandra Sabbani 30139849 1303
16 Rishi Attaluri 30041126 1302
17 Eric Vance 31905773 1278
18 Eshaann Madhan 31155145 1227
19 Ramanathan Palaniappan 30316256 Unrated

Section C: Open U1400

# First Last USCF ID USCF Rating
1 Nikolai Mezokh 16252415 1327
2 Anish Arun 31187934 1269
3 Asher Joseph 30561022 1264
4 Vaibhav Sachdev 30192493 1210
5 Grace Peng 30665735 1193
6 John-Paul Verow 15208097 1183
7 Jay Choi 31876704 1155
8 Rutvik Papisetti 30383392 1100
9 Pranav Kandi 31493287 1088
10 Samvik Indrakanti 16771001 1057
11 Vividh Balasubramanian 16790958 1047
12 Alice Sun 30540358 990
13 Dylan Odette 31400867 976
14 Venkata Naga Prabhat Mandala 32124017 Unrated

Section D: Open U1000

# First Last USCF ID USCF Rating
1 Yixin Wang 31926688 830
2 Shourjo Chatterjee 31902347 794
3 Karthik Kammari 31494364 766
4 Shourya Kodali 30404637 746
5 Amelie Stoffels 30424129 745
6 Akarsh Paida 31911398 737
7 Daniel Xiao 30914009 736
8 Scott Hastings 31596398 708
9 Akhil Gopu 32029095 680
10 Zayn Shanmuganathan 31968176 650
11 Emil Khan 32056100 487
12 Ayden Zong 17054878 486
13 Winston Shetty 32019028 456
14 Yeonwoo Hwang 31831360 410
15 Aiden Jiao 31964279 330
16 Jasper Shang 31964303 326
17 Skyler Matson 32072869 Unrated