Austin Chess Tour 2: Open Qualifier #2

In-Person USCF Rated Tournament 


February 8, 2025

12466 Los Indios Trail, Ste.100

Austin, TX 78729

* USCF Membership Required *


Free Parking Provided 


Capacity: 80 players





All players will be divided into 4 sections: 

SECTION A: 1800+ Open USCF rated 

SECTION B: 1400 - 1799 Open USCF rated

SECTION C: 1000 - 1399 Open USCF rated

SECTION D: U1000 Open USCF rated

**Players are not allowed to play up or down** 
**The higher of the official or most recent rating will determine section selection.**
**If two adjacent sections each have an odd number of players, and the highest-rated player in the lower section is within 50 rating points of the higher section, they may be moved up to balance the sections**
These rules are to avoid byes and better pairings for all.


Early Bird: $50 by February 2, 2025 by 11:59pm 

$60 on or after February 3, 2025



Section A: $400, $200, $100

Section B: $200, $100, $50

Section C: $100, $75, $50

Section D: Chess books

Medals will be awarded to top 3 finishers in all sections


Open Qualifier Points: 

Top 10 places in Section A will earn points according to the following table:

1st Place: 25 OQ Points

2nd Place: 18 OQ Points

3rd Place: 15 OQ Points

4th Place: 12 OQ Points

5th Place: 10 OQ Points

6th Place: 8 OQ Points

7th Place: 6 OQ Points

8th Place: 4 OQ Points

9th Place: 2 OQ Points

10th Place: 1 OQ Points


For more information about the point system, visit



Section A: G/60, d5 (60 minutes per player with a 5-second delay)

Section B: G/60, d5 (60 minutes per player with a 5-second delay)

Section C: G/45, d5 (45 minutes per player with a 5-second delay)

Section D: G/45, d5 (45 minutes per player with a 5-second delay)


4-Round Swiss System Schedule


1st round: 10:00 AM

2nd round: 12:15 PM

Lunch Break: 2:30 PM

3rd round: 3:30 PM

4th round: 5:45 PM


1st round: 10:00 AM

2nd round: 11:45 AM

Lunch Break: 1:30 PM

3rd round: 2:30 PM

4th round: 4:15 PM

Closing ceremony for each section will take place after the final round of that section.

NOTE: Half-point byes are acceptable for all rounds, limit 1. Must commit before the 1st round.

PLAYERS MAY NOT POSSESS CELL PHONES DURING THE TOURNAMENT.  Please leave your phone at home, in your car, or turned off (vibrate/silent not acceptable) on top of your table. 

Any violators may be subject to disqualification and forfeiture. 


CANCELLATION POLICY: If you do not wish to participate in our tournament after paying the entry fee, please email us at no later than 24 hours in advance. We reserve the right to charge a $15 service fee for cancellations. NO refunds will be issued if we are notified of cancellation within 24 hours of the start of the event. 

WITHDRAWAL POLICY: If you would like to withdraw from the tournament after it begins, please alert the tournament director. NO refunds will be issued after the tournament begins. 

NO-SHOW POLICY: There are NO refunds or credit for players who do not show up for their scheduled tournament matches.


For additional questions, please contact us at

Section A: Open 1800+

# First Last USCF ID USCF Rating
1 Lucius Melillo 15570195 2343
2 Colin Albert 15325998 2222
3 Atharva Bist 16451355 2117
4 Rahul Mynala 17287571 2105
5 Yangyang Shen 17080503 1996
6 Chase Lonie 16392562 1946
7 Steven Linett 12790325 1914
8 Julian Joseph 16783177 1907
9 Emerson Aurelius Johnson 30729099 1900
10 Pranav Santhosh 30579866 1874
11 Tanish Seelam 17061896 1819
12 Kai Lan 30658202 1805
13 Asher Chodniewicz 30288162 1803

Section B: Open U1800

# First Last USCF ID USCF Rating
1 Jan Van Der Linden 32000530 1780
2 Lucas Yu 30915089 1775
3 Ruthvik Kamireddy 30283179 1647
4 Ryan Slatton 31859645 1635
5 Kai Wang 30528820 1600
6 Lamar Bush 10400830 1600
7 Beckham Chodniewicz 30288144 1567
8 Massa Jin 16948104 1545
9 Nidhish Reddy Bumireddy 30719653 1540
10 Daniel Salazar 10400872 1500
11 Eric Vance 31905773 1467
12 Advaith Jijesh 30646434 1446
13 Anika Kaul 17072545 1432
14 Anish Arun 31187934 1405

Section C: Open U1400

# First Last USCF ID USCF Rating
1 Rishi Attaluri 30041126 1391
2 Jeffrey Chui 814954203 1371
3 Parv Parikh 30065214 1369
4 Grace Peng 30665735 1292
5 Yiheng Chen 30441678 1288
6 Seungho Lee 32000320 1259
7 Darrin Little 30927898 1240
8 Johnpaul Verow 15208097 1224
9 Avantika Maneesh 31486157 1206
10 Samvik Indrakanti 16771001 1192
11 Abdurahman El-Azzami 30331989 1174
12 Karthik Sivaraju 31922646 1170
13 Eshaann Madhan 31155145 1164
14 Martin Tang 31982613 1159
15 Amogh Chauhan 16905312 1114
16 Felix You 15984154 1103
17 Yixin Wang 31926688 1098
18 Ilai (Eli) Gross 16657125 1095
19 Vividh Balasubramanian 16790958 1064
20 Sanjay Gudipati 31160024 1045
21 Christopher Krum 31824661 1014
22 Alice Sun 30540358 1008
23 Tanav Seelam 30343181 1003

Section D: Open U1000

# First Last USCF ID USCF Rating
1 Anirudh Madyastha 17255045 906
2 Keren Jolly Anand 30535449 887
3 Zachary Kinney 30884894 875
4 Zayn Shanmuganathan 31968176 821
5 Augie Lewis 32243907 785
6 Akarsh Paida 31911398 776
7 Daniel Xiao 30914009 762
8 Shourya Kodali 30404637 723
9 Akhil Gopu 32029095 697
10 Karthikeya Golla 32045902 598
11 Soham Shah 30048529 593
12 Shourya Bandaru 32193247 479
13 Anay Shah 16825825 340
14 Lachlan Henson 32279234 Unrated
15 Kabir Goenka 31690249 Unrated
16 Jacob Rice 32260551 Unrated
17 Alexandria Baker 32236388 Unrated
18 Sudarshan Mahesh 16233828 Unrated
19 Vihaan Tiwan 32293023 Unrated